1- Gaming has taught the gamer to horde any possibly useful items. As long as there is room to store it, you will never run out of band-aids, herbs, medicines, ammo, or potential items to sell.
2- Gaming has given the gamer lessons in home and personal security. Games have taught gamers how easy it is to be pick-pocketed and this awareness makes them slightly paranoid about their personal possessions. Certain games have also taught gamers what to look for in robbing homes and stealing cars (for same games, this is their name sake). Therefore, your gamer is aptly able to point out potential areas for entry for any thief.
3- If ever stranded on a boat or in a plane without a pilot, your gamer will know how to operate the vehicle. Gamers are skilled in running various types of machinery. Need proof? Watch this movie
4- If you are ever accidently transported into the past, your gamer will be able to navigate the rules of that society. Gamers are schooled in a variety of cultures from ancient times to far into the future. Your gamer will be able to guide you in the norms of the time.
5- If any sort of war or violent conflict is to arise, your gamer is skilled in the use of many weapons. From a bow and arrow to an AK-47, your gamer knows how to use, maintain, and repair any weapon.
6- In case of a zombie apocalypse, your gamer will have a plan. Your gamer will also know that the only way to kill such zombies is by shooting them in the head.
In the end, each of these skills that your gamer has acquired has led him to be the perfect protector during the zombie apocalypse. Your gamer has stock piles of supplies, knows how to break into other areas in order to gain more supplies, can operate a variety of vehicles in order to escape the undead, can guide you through other societies as you time travel out of the land of the brain-eaters, and is then able to use any weapon he comes across to kill any zombies that follow you.
In short, by dating a gamer, you are ensuring your ability to survive should the undead attack thus expanding your lifespan.
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